COVID-19 Who Gets Sick, Who Dies

I was curious about which age groups are seeing which outcomes. It took a while to track down the information.

Age GroupPopulationCasesCases per 100KInpatientsDeathsDeaths per 100K
Travis County, TX

Population by Age Groups is from Census Reporter. The rest of the data is from Travis County COVID-19 Public Dashboard.

Who gets COVID-19? It’s essentially flat from age 20 thru 69, rises slightly for the 70s, and rises a lot for 80 and up. Nursing homes are particularly hard hit. It would be interesting to see the infection rate for 80 and up among those not in nursing or other group homes (e.g. retirement apartment complex). Prisons also show high infection rates.

Who ends up in the hospital? 40-49, 50-59, and 80+ (they make up 2% of the general population and 13% of the hospital patients, way over represented).

Who dies? As the media largely reports, from 60 on up, the older the higher the death rate. One report I remember:

  • 60s: twice the risk of dying
  • 70s: four times the risk
  • 80+: eight times the risk.

In Travis County, 80+ is even worse.

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