Category Archives: Downsizing

Michael Ventura – Letters at 3am

Pacifica Radio has archived many, but not all of Michael Ventura’s “Letters at 3am” columns at:

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Well informed, Nothing done

I spend too much of my day reading up on the news. At the end of the day, I find I have no time or energy to do the things that matter: writing poetry, editing and submitting it, typing in … Continue reading

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Corona Creatives – Austin History Center

The Austin History Center is soliciting materials for their “The COVID-19 Files: Austin Responds to a Pandemic” archives. Their archivists encourage you to keep a journal, write poetry, pen a script, draw or paint, start a video or audio blog … Continue reading

Posted in COVID-19, Downsizing, Social Justice, Spirtual Practice, Teaching Stories, Writing | Leave a comment

Austin – Shaggy Nation

With barbers, beauty salons, hair and nail dressers, and dry cleaners all closed, Austin is going to get shaggy looking. Working from home or video conferences with the video off, it won’t matter. Shopping? Maybe nobody cares as long as … Continue reading

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Warren Buffet on Goals

Usually I’d post a story about Warren Buffet on my financial blog, but Warren Buffett On Goals: If It’s Not The Most Important Thing, Avoid It At All Costs is not about money. It’s about living your life, not someone else’s or society’s. … Continue reading

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Sam and Betty

At the University, there is a ledge really no more than a misplaced form when the concrete was poured. Birds have perched and deposited. Leaf litter has fallen, off the roof, and now there is a tree growing in this … Continue reading

Posted in Downsizing, Money, Spirtual Practice, Teaching Stories | 2 Comments

Becoming a Collector

In preparation for yet another move, I finally bit the bullet, boxed up my records and stereo equipment that have not been used in years and found a place to sell them to. The first steps were easy: catalog the … Continue reading

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